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Kehrs Mill Elementary

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  • Teachers and staff plan for school volunteers. If you will be absent, call the school as soon as possible so arrangements can be made. It is important that we do not disappoint or disrupt our students' learning.
  • Follow school guidelines for student dress code. Dress comfortably, but remember that you are a role model for our students.
  • Parent or patron visits to the classroom must be approved in advance by the sponsor, teacher and/or principal.
  • Volunteers will work within the guidelines established by the school administration and will work under the direction and supervision of teachers and staff members.
  • Visitation by preschool children and children who are not registered in the school is discouraged. All children who are visiting the school must report to the principal and receive approval prior to attending classes.
  • Volunteers may not be given a Rockwood staff member's and/or teacher's personal accounts and passwords in order to access a school Web site.
  • Smoking, alcohol, drug use and firearms are prohibited on school district premises, including all buildings, grounds and property of the District.
  • The Board of Education and administration will not tolerate any one who disturbs classes or school activities or hinders the instructional process. If such persons will not leave the school premises upon request, the building principal/designee may refer charges to the proper legal authorities.