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Kehrs Mill Elementary

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Medication in School

Does your child need medication at school? If you are unsure of what form your student might need here are some tips!

It is important that parents understand per Rockwood School District Policy that students carrying medication at school without proper documentation in our office (prescription and/or over the counter) will face disciplinary action.

Self Administration of Medication

This form is used when your child is able to carry medication with them at school. This covers ANY over-the-counter medication (high school students only) or Albuterol and EpiPens (encouraged as students reach middle school). This form MUST be signed by a parent AND a physician in order for the student to carry the medication with them. This form is kept in our office and is only good for a single school year.

Authorization for Self-Administration of Medication and Waiver and Indemnification from Liability (PDF)

Request for Medications to Be Given at School

This form is used when your child comes into our office and we administer medication to them. This covers ANY prescription medication and/or over-the-counter medication. This form must be signed by a parent and accompanied by the prescription in the original bottle. If it is over-the-counter medication, the form must also be signed by a physician. Rockwood School District does not allow ANY narcotic medication to be kept on school premises. District policy does not allow our nurses to administer any supplements, herbal or homeopathic medications.

Request for Medication To Be Given At School (PDF)